What a great Saturday I’ve just had, best day for ages. It was my daughter’s 6th birthday party and as usual I had to create a cake masterpiece to order. This year she wanted a horse and I think I did a good job, very yummy it was too. The party went very well despite the Abingdon traffic making us 10 minutes late, whoever designed that new traffic system should be made to lie in the middle of Stratton Way during rush hour. She was happy, we were happy, her friends were happy, I had a nice chat with one of the other mums and dads.
Then it was Reading AS’s monthly meeting in the evening where we had the co-presenter of the BBC’s Sky at Night, Chris Lintott, as our main speaker. I think this was possibly the best meeting since I became Chairman, I thought I presented well (I was a bit average when I started but now growing in confidence) and Chris was excellent. A good speaker, a good subject and unlike a lot of speakers he stayed to see the member’s contributions in the 2nd half (including mine on MESSENGER) and even went to the pub afterwards with us for a drink and a chat. A top bloke, can’t fault him for effort.
When I got home I started watching the 4-part BBC series Space Race on DVD, what an excellent series. Watched the 2nd part last night and will make sure I get to see the other two this week.
All in all a really really good day, followed by a relaxing Sunday. Maybe I’ll be a bit happier and more positive this week!